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domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018

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Heather Locklear shares upbeat post on Instagram months after her arrest

Heather Locklear is back on social media for the first time in four months as she deals with legal and personal woes. The 'Melrose Place' star took to Instagram on Saturday with a snapshot of her beloved Maltese dog, Mister.


Atribución de la publicación original:

De: USATODAY - Life Top Stories
Publicación: http://rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~/565165072/0/usatoday-lifetopstories~Heather-Locklear-shares-upbeat-post-on-Instagram-months-after-her-arrest/
Autor/Editor: Cydney Henderson, USA TODAY
URL: http://api-internal-usatoday.production.gannettdigital.com

Términos de búsqueda: Cine, Películas, Trailers, Series, Videos, Cartelera
Fecha: August 19, 2018 at 03:56PM

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